February 23, 2010

Primitive Hair Clips ~ 乡村小兔发夹

They are my latest works ~ Primitive Bunnies Hair Clips ~ . I was busy making 2 bunny hair clips (2 weeks ago) for my girl so that she could wear them during this Chinese New Year. But, I have ended up making a bunch of them....haha. I just love the way they have turned out and can't help myself to make more and more....

这几天都在忙着做这些乡村型的小兔子发夹。 原本只是想为女儿赶做两个兔子发夹,好在新年期间可以佩戴……那知道不知不觉的做了一堆出来。 有几个已经被朋友给买回家了,有的已送给了小朋友……就剩这几个自己最喜欢的了。 不过,我还会继续缝制这乡村型的小发夹、钥匙扣或手机吊饰等,因为这过程实在有趣!

喜欢吗? 哈哈……那就快快带只回家吧!

Floppy Ears Bunnies

Dotted Ears Bunnies

email: dreamcatcherfairy@hotmail.com

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