January 28, 2010

My Miniature World ~ 小小世界

小小熊……当初是想动手做一个我梦想的娃娃屋而把他们给捏出来的。 一直以来都非常爱收集娃娃,大的小的,男的女的, 硬的软的都超喜欢。 所以我梦想着拥有一个袖珍娃娃屋……但,都迟迟没有动工……就只捏了他们几个而已!

情侣小熊 ~ Valentines Bears


email: dreamcatcherfairy@hotmail.com

January 20, 2010

早期的作品 ~ 娃衣

这些娃娃衣服都是早前缝制的。 有些是一些外国的娃友指定特制的,有的是我为自己的娃娃制作的。 想想也有一段时间没有缝制西式的衣服了,有点心动想要再为女儿的BiBi Bear 缝制一套新年衣服。 其实她已经要了好久了,只是我……哈哈……有点懒啦!

我想外国人会比较‘欣赏’手作的娃娃衣服吧……但有人说一是是他们“没事做”要不就“有闲钱”哦! 是吗? 我倒希望他们是真的欣赏这些手作的作品……有了这些人的支持就等于有了推动力及鼓励!

All these were my earlier works on Doll Clothes. Some of them were custom-made for my doll friends in United States, some are for my own dolls.

January 19, 2010

Feltgeddy Annie II

终于把这两个小不点给做好啦! 最近都在忙着公司的事情……回到家里都累到不想开工了……脑细胞死了很多 (我常用的借口)!


My latest feltgeddy ornaments are here! My progress is a bit slow this week....I have tons of paper work in my work place and just too tired to sew at night. Again, I used felts for their faces and eyes.

哈哈……可爱吗? 让我提一提这个娃娃…… 我用了十字绣的布料来给她做了身体,手和脚。 只有眼睛是用不织布来做。 感觉还不错……但还需再改进! 我那妹妹又想要霸占这个娃娃了……这一次我不会让她得逞的!


This rag doll is made by using 'cross-stitich' fabric as her body, hand & feet. I know she should be done by using muslin or (maybe linen as well?), but i'm having hard time in finding them. However, I was lucky enough to get the right 'skin-tone' linen for the body and some nice & vintage fabric for their clothes last weekend. Yeah...can't wait to start working on them!

她的身形蛮小的,大概只有巴掌那么大而已……。 至于她的头发呢,我是以一小撮一小撮的缝上去的……蛮费时的!

Email: dreamcatcherfairy@hotmail.com

January 10, 2010

Feltgeddy Annie

Feltgeddy Annie

第一个乡村娃娃终于诞生啦! 我用了不织布来缝制她的头和眼睛, 头发就用红毛线 (因为典型的乡村娃娃都是这样子的嘛)。

我一直以来都比较喜欢‘古典造型’的东西,无形中我也收集了不少早期的的娃娃、 布料、鞋子及各式的装饰品。 乡村娃娃一直都是我的最爱,所以乘着现在还‘兴致勃勃’的当下就快快动手微妙!

This is my very first Raggeddy Annie Doll. I used felt for her face and eyes....and I was having fun in creating her!

She is about 3.5 inches tall.

See that little 'Rich Girl' beside Annie? She has put on her cute little ivory flower and it's perfect on her!

Don't Laugh when you see this.....My first attempt to do a Raggeddy Anne Doll but failed! She turned out like a Combo of Ginger Bread Doll & Raggeddy Anne.

Email: dreamcatcherfairy@hotmail.com
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January 8, 2010

Felt Babies

我想我是有点过度的喜欢上了不织布这玩艺! 这两天的脑袋都只想着该怎样制作出一些属于自己的不织布娃娃…… 好啦,明天再加油吧! 今天实在是太累了……

The temptation of felt has drived me go 'crazy' in creating more & more dollies.... Here are the 2nd batch of newly born felt babies.


This sweetie is the my favorite! I just love the hair style and her chubby face.

至于这个嘛……感觉上有点大小姐的贵气及刁蛮任性。 我想我该为她添上一朵娇柔的花儿……好吧,就明天给她扮美美吧!

January 4, 2010

Felt Delights ~ 不织布小玩意


最近买了一些不织布, 尝试做些小可爱来玩玩……。 结果紫色的小娃娃和猫头鹰被妹妹和女儿‘霸’了过去,剩下红色的胖娃娃。

These 'babies' are made by felt. This is the first time I use felt to create thing, and I was having great time in making them as they are easy to handle and does not fray. I'm going to use printed fabric applique with felt and finished with tiny little pearls or bead for the next project.

My very first felt doll....a big fat girl.

Little Asian Girl

Little Grey Owl with poseable wings ~ just the right size to go with any mobile phone....hehe.

Email: dreamcatcherfairy@hotmail.com